I find myself unable to catch sleep. Feeling jet lag :)). What with waking up three in the afternoon! Anyway, I find myself blog-hopping in multiply, and on Bianca's (Gonzales - yep the celebrity) page. When I started out months ago, I found inspiration from her writing. If anything, I find few things in common with her, as her...
- Writing Style. She's a list type of blogger, than the narrative paragraphs one.
- Travels. She likes to go around and travel new places.
- Interest. When she travels, she makes sure she gets a picture taken - with her cartwheeling in it. (Only I'd dream of being able to! So I'm very much content with posing beside a kilometro.)
- Pictures. A little kid in me, I find picture books more interesting. Although I've grown to love Judith McNaught like - thick novels, I'd say I'll forever be a picture book girl.
Anyway, I've came up with my own list of top 20 things that make me happy.
1. Rainbows
2. Capturing "nice" pictures
3. Short trips or long travels
4. East West's Mango Sushi Crepe
5. Family gatherings, especially when everyone's complete (or almost)
6. Getting commended with my work (work work, or not work work. Haha)
7. Friends
8. Beach!
9. Birthdays and Christmases
10. Accomplishing my tasks for the day
11. Hearing from someone that I look pretty :)) and knowing they are not lying!
12. Seeing my (toe) nails clean
13. Coming up of eat-able food for everyone
14. Chocolates
15. Surprises. Giving or receiving them
16. Pretty landscapes and picturesque scenery
17. Chick flicks and feel-good movies
18. Proving someone wrong, or proving I am right! Evil grin with that! Hehe :)
19. Skype's bear hug and demure laugh
20. Ordering coffee jelly, and seeing my name spelled right

[Isn't the rainbow really pretty? The girl at the center is prinsesa taken at Portofino, with the rest of the pictures randomly selected. Lower right picture with high school friends taken from Kei's cam.]
"it was long overdue. and not easy to do. but i have learned,
as should you, that one has a choice to be happy. and take away
toxic people people in one's life who do not share in one's
happiness :)"
From one of the email exchanges I had with Ate. It sounds poem-ish, but I believe that was not purposely rhymed, but getting the point across that yes, there is nothing wrong if you sulk and get sad and even get depressed, but it is greatly your choice if you get yourself winded up in it after a looong time.
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