I come from a very big family.
I come from a very big and happy family.
I come from a very big, happy, and loud family.
I come from a very big, happy, and very loud family.
...et cetera, et cetera? Got the point most probably on the second line. Ha :)
Summers before were spent at Bogo.
Not "usually" nor "more often than not".
That was how it used to be before.
Daddy has about nine siblings. So I guess one can easily imagine the branches of that, and even
the branches of the branches?
Loud voices, boisterous laughs, getting really excited even just passing by the "Welcome to San
Remigio" signage, kuluk kulok...
Even while I'm typing off right now with everyone asleep upstairs, and Marie mindlessly talking
in her sleep beside me, I'm smiling. I can distinctly remember the smell of Elf - the orange truck
that we got us from and to Bogo, with everyone crammed in the cushions spread out at the back.
Thinking about it now, I can list endless notes about what and how I remember how it was before.
Thinking about it now, I'd make a mental note to do it one free time!

[Images taken last night after dinner, with ate and noi bebe's camera]
As Papa Tito explained to Steve weeks ago during the Manila family gathering that well, the gathering,
is and will never be completed without the, now tradition, pictorial. Although I still don't have my
camera, Noi Bebe compensated for such misfortune! Nikon D90, drroolll!
As the saying goes, you can choose your friends, but not your family.
Not that I mind getting forever stuck with this one! :)
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