As I'm watching Judy Ann & Ryan's Wedding Special (the making episode), I'm laughing with the friends of the couple, as well as the couple go about the preparations and arrangements.
I wonder if they can count how many laughs people belted out in that episode, I'm sure it would be a headache! Hehe. Although Papa Tito was complaining how long it was, among other things, I thought it was really cute.
They wanted a happy secret wedding, and they got it.
Same went for J(y)osi and Jaja's beach wedding that I was invited to last week Sunday, as well as Noi Dison and my new cousin-in-law, Ellen's, yesterday - only crashing out the secret part.
Like many others, I love love stories, and I love happy endings (or new starts?). :)
If I were getting married, I'd like mine to be a mix of those that I have attended, but definitely keeping it happy as a common denominator.
Jill, sent me a message that the ad was published, about two weeks ago? I've lost track of time, and I guess I have been kinda busy not to have scanned a copy of the actual ad. I still have yet to get my own copy from her, which reminds me!
Anyway (again), her boss wanted some color splashed on the ad. Although my favorite of the two lay-outs was not chosen, I'm still as glad that one of my two favorite pictures was.
Boosting my confidence in capturing pictures a level notch higher, here's the second ad that I had laid out for Pueblo El Grande Ad.

And here's the image that went through publishing. Isn't she pretty? Haha :D

Mare, as I told you through text, the boss gets what the boss wants.
So no worries, we'll be bosses some time. :)
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