In a family of about, what? 50 cousins, it's impossible to find peace during gatherings! Let alone order! It's a happy riot, nonetheless.
Survival of the fittest.
Scream, shout, do anything to make yourself known.
As they say, you are unique, just like everyone else.
That spells "niche".
Honey and Ate Kit were talking about how they have been (perpetually) mass readers.
Achie Bing semi-complained that she has forever been a bridesmaid (and never a bride?).
I fully complained that I was never a flower girl in any of the weddings that they had a part of. (Tawn pud.)
And Marba? She just grunted at us.
She used to scream a lot before. (Stuck feet in the car, "Call the doctor, call the carpenter...")
She used to quarrel me a lot before. (Gives me a looot of reason to fight back! Haa :D)
More than what she used to be before (although she still screams a lot), she has definitely found her distinctive niche... that make us unworthy, haha :D.
This is a taste of what I was meaning. Passion and love.
dance dance dance :)
I almost cried after this performance! It was beautifullll!
Unless you are really keen, you wouldn't even notice the slip!
I love you Marba! I am very proud of you! Mwahmwah!

[Images taken last May 23, 2009 at Noi Dison's Wedding using Donzki's P&S]
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