Hehe. I am smug today. I like to be smug sometimes, especially on few occasions that I can. Smug smug smile with that!
I have personally told only a couple of people about this site. I feel that I still need to place a loooot information about previous travels that would compose this travel blog that it is supposed to be.
But anyway, it brings a smile when people say nice things about what I am currently enjoying - besides taking pictures. Rambles, but nonetheless keeps me virtually present.
James emailed me saying this is a good start. He is currently connected with a big local company that I'm not sure if I can mention. I always smile when I see him because I can remember Mr. Miyagi of Karate Kid. (You're not born in the 1980's of you don't even get a recall!) Anyway, I have visited their office a couple of times, and the rest of the guys have been really warm. One of the things that they share is enthusiasm for great pictures. Jeff, one of the other guys there even taught me few tricks on curves (pp). Then there's Orville and Christian that I have worked with in few projects. I also smile when they kid around at their office, distinctively saying "Allrriigghhtt" and calling each other with pet names.
on from getting side-tracked, I was supposed to come up with a review of public comfort rooms of the places that I had and will be visiting - as suggested by James. I told him I thought it's a great idea,and that when and should I get to have the joomla site up, I'd have that section, and name it "James's Corner"!
Second off, I got a message from Norfelly.

Chronicles of a professional photographer wannabe! yahu! :)
He got married a month ago at Argao, down south of Cebu. I was among those surprised but very much happy to receive the invitation. He's one of the first logic designers in the company, and he remains grounded despite his expertise and responsibilities. If there's one thing I wish for him though, that would be not getting rattled by any unexpected circumstance. Hehe. Picturing it out, type in ":-SS"in YM,
Anyhow, I told him that my presence would be my present for this wedding! Having my cam with me at that time, I fell in love with the place and captured as much as I could. I love how dramatic the church was, facade and more so in the inside! Frescoes! I doubt if someone ever visited the place and didn't sigh looking up.
Here are some of my favorite captures.

[Images captured last April at Argao, Cebu]
Other pictures here. Congratulations again, Norfelly! Cheers to simple celebrations, and new beginnings! :)
P.S. I just got outside the office and saw the looming horizon, setting for for the day.
The shades of blue were loovveelly! Missing my camera, though.
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