Sunday, April 19, 2009

wishing for some fire

I've forever been meaning to learn Poi (Zipping or most commonly known as Fire Dance). I was supposed to have that bucket-list item slashed off with the help of Jackie, good friend of Seleena, last January, but never got the chance to.

So got me thinking earlier since I spent the afternoon on the computer and the trip to Balamban did not dayun.
What if learn them online?
With the help of Google, if found this site:
I simply typed in "Fire Poi", and can i just say Google is my best friend? :D

Wikipedia defines it:

Poi is a form of jugging or object manipulation employing a ball suspended from a length of flexible material held in hand and swung in circular patterns, said to resemble club-twirling. Poi spinning originated with the Ma-ori people of New Zealand (poi means "ball" in Ma-ori) as a means to develop flexibility, strength and coordination - particularly dexterity of the wrist - and as an exercise of movements central to the use of hand weapons, including the patu, mere, and kotiate, a violin-shaped club.

Sooooo, I've got an itinerary for what's left my afternoon.
Trim my bangs and find some socks :D

(Images from Christmas Family Holiday, December 2008)

poi zipping fire dancing

Give me some time, I'll someday learn how to dance... with fire ;D

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