I have such weird fascinations.
Idunno if it makes me unique, but at least I amuse myself.
I love having my pictures taken at kilometer post areas. At some point, I make sure that whenever I go to a new place, I get this shot. Lest, I get really sad. Haha.

Although I have yet to find a technical definition of them, here's what I know of.
1. When you type in "kilometro" in google, you'd most likely wouldn't understand unless you know Spanish.
2. You'll have more luck with "kilometer post", but just dusts of it.
3. You'll find two numbers in a kilometer post: (1) the upper number represents how far you are from the province's center, and (2) the lower number represents how far or near you are from or to the next town.
4. You'll find kilometer 00 from the province's captilyo building. This is the base computation or the reference.
5. They are located in the main high way streets of the place. However, I have always pondered whether they are placed in-land or by coastal area. I have resolved to research better on this, and get my answer.
6. Here in Pinas (or at least those that I had visited), they generally follow the same form. I'm just not sure whether it's of the same dimension, size and material.
7. Colors: New ones are painted yellow, old ones are either gray, black or plain cement.
8. Lastly, each post is a thousand meters away from another! Doh? :D
This site takes inspiration from a kilometro.
When I started this, I had intended this to be documentary as well as a testimony of how wonderful the world is ...and other things in between.
The number of entries that I have written represents my upper number,
and my desire to experience new places would likely by my lower number.
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