As every fairy tale book is opened, I am this little child smiling even after it is closed.
As every penny slips from someone's pocket, I am this little girl eager to count it as lucky.
Like every dream yet to be dreamt, I am this hopeful that the night will be mine.

The fourth day after my baby ced took his flight down the floor, I had a D80 in hand and happily shooting. I was invited by J(y)osi to his wedding at Microtel at Mactan Island, Cebu - and a loan of his D80 as a bonus. It was definitely one of the happiest simple beach weddings I have attended, and perhaps I was one of the happiest persons with a camera that afternoon.

I love looking at nice wedding pictures. I love taking them myself as well, if I could and if I can. Perhaps of all genres in photography, I'd say weddings would be the scariest. It would rest upon the photographer's shoulders to capture perhaps one of the longest dreams of most girls, and of course, guys. With about half a dozen more cameras that afternoon, I'm hoping that one of those that I have captured will be something they would love looking, thinking it's nice.
As my sister constantly tells me, "char, take nice pictures of me ha? kanang candid."
With a mental note in mind, I place Josi and Jaja's wedding after Steve and Ate's in my imaginary wedding list. Simple and happy, hopefully with a rainbow with that.
P.S. One of the sites that I occassionally follow is MangoRed, team of two brilliant crazy brothers (along with their team) who specialize in prenups and weddings, capturing Filipinos, and the rest of the world. I'd wish for a rich husband as well in my imaginary notebook, rich enough for a MangoRed coverage. :)
*cling, cling, cling, cling*
3 commentaries:
MangoRed did my sister's wedding, they were so much fun. Your photos look great! I love your details shots and all the sweet moments with the bride and groom. You really have an eye for wedding photograhy ;)
ay noh?? i'd be very much intersted to see some of the pictures of your sister's wedding, jack :)
i'll try to search it as well, sa mangored site.
thanks much much for the equally sweet compliments! especially coming from you! I saw izzi's pictures! they were uber nice!
wasn't that easy? found it na jack!
haayy mangored. haay weddings! :)
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