Wednesday, September 9, 2009

manholes are round.

So why are they round? I found it quite simple, really.
Well, that was what I first thought.
My office mate was further playing with the round thing at the edge of my table, intended for those wires only that it's loose, and waiting for my answer. It almost felt like hey I know the answer to it and boo you, don't.

Hhhmm... so why are manholes round?
I get it that it does not go through with that shape, but the boo-you-don't part of that moment told me that there are about a few boo's I have yet to hear out. Am I dumb or am i dumb?

So anyway, I was actually amazed by the other two answers:
2. Where in the world can you find a square pipe? That's actually said with a duh.
3. It's actually easier to move it around, easy rolling. Imagine lifting that lid off with the stop light as your tick-tock, and you have a square lid. That spells exciting, ey?

Boo? Funny how we think answers are simple but find out there are about a lot of boo-you-don'ts in the equation. Then again, there are about millions more more trivial than manholes being round. Useless knowledge? Nah, wouldn't have been as amused to it. It's like Ate Kit asking me seconds ago "Char, mata pa ka or nimata na ka?"

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