I am a happy owner of a macbook.
I was actually quite giddy when I saw how white it was. Doh?
When I told Andy about it, all I could reply to his question what it is was it's 13" with Leopard OS.
"Dili ba, ang specs..."
And my answer was?
Still that it's a 13" with Leopard OS.
Am I that hopeless?
Anyway, I went down the cafe earlier with the intention of grabbing some pictures of Prinsesa. Most of the social networking sites are blocked at the office.
Further, this was with the intention of having some of them printed.
To paint a picture of how many things were in my mind earlier was squeezing an hour of activity in a fifteen minute break. Yes, I was a gymnast-wannabe trying to stretch everything and covering as much space.
And there, my problem was held before me in this white coated machine. One, I do not know where the document application was, pretty much looking for the equivalent of the word document in windows, and two, I do not know the right-click function equivalent to mac to save the pictures I was supposed to grab.
If my life depended on it, about this time, I would have already been six feet under ground.
Yes, I might be a little hopeless. The half-glass full in me is still debating with the half-glass empty.
Anyway anyway, I was desperate. I wanted those pictures.
So I saw my yahoo messenger, here goes! I was actually relieved!
To my amazement, for the lack of more apt term, I couldn't get it to work.
Click, click, click. Still wouldn't message!
I changed my status message to say Chari "Needs help!" hoping someone will ping me instead.
No response. (No, I don't need a shrink, thank you)
I changed it again to say Chari "Needs Andy's help!"
Still no response.
Should I have said, really badly?
Yes, I was that desperate. I called Chris.
Hello was the greeting, I suppose, and I answered right away,
I need your help.
Choppy line. The world apparently is looking down on me with a smug expression.
Ring, ring, call back.
Tito Chris, I need your help!
Moral of that story, it's ctrl + one click on the board.
I couldn't stop mentally laughing how dire I must have sounded after his "mao ra man diay", Or something like that.

About this time right now, Prinsesa is definitely in the airplane.
It felt weird-funny seeing her finally disappear at the corner. And before that, during our last hug, I said, this is it.
I still couldn't grab the finality of it, though.
It will settle, maybe not just now, but it will.
And I'd say I am a happy owner of a macbook.
But I am a not-so-happy-but-not-really-sad-or-whatever friend of a friend leaving.
And if you'll ask me what it is, I'll say with my eyes closed, it's 13" with a Leopard OS.
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