Tuesday, September 29, 2009
money will just come
This is what I can remember repetitively telling Prinsesa a month ago for the Tao anniv.
Funny because, money really did come to meet those ends.
I'm a firm believer that God provides.
Again, I'm not the richest of all people.
By my standards, I am not well off. Then again, who'd think they're rich, right?
Anyway, I can distinctly remember years back when Daddy didn't have money one time, and I actually remember praying so hard that he'll do.
The next day? He still didn't have money.
But yes, I prayed that hard.
I was finishing up segregating old clothes for donation yesterday until I heard Daddy roaring.
Yes, he was roaring over the phone trying to get Mama to stop crying and talk to him.
I went down, and he passed the phone to me.
All those televisions shows are to blame, swear.
I have not gotten over watching the things on the news yet when it was my turn, well not roar, but ask Mama to stop crying and tell me where she was so I can get to her.
She apparently got pick pocketed while doing groceries.
Yup, two of her wallets where she separated the money in, while her bag was just on her shoulders.
You'd ask where? SM. But that is a totally different story.
Mama was crying on the phone, and I simply reassured her that it's okay.
"Ma, okay ra na, Ma, okay ra na. Mabayran ra na."
It's just money, money will just come.
My feelings were in turmoil actually.
I didn't like what I saw on the news and fb, well, I still don't.
But I felt for Mama, because if I were her, I would have wanted to wail some more until it felt better.
I would have cried without a Yao Ming, seemingly worried but, projecting anger of what had happened.
But I couldn't very well cry for her, right? Mura kog buang.
And just so Pinoy,
We eventually got to laugh on it.
I was re-telling Mama Daddy's first reaction when I told him, though still on the phone with her.
Yup, he roared again.
"Ngano wala man ni kuyugi?!" or that should be better written in capslock, ey?
I was mentally thinking, whatsup Daddy?
I was laughing my heart out while I was pushing the cart.
We transferred to another grocery store, and customer service was announcing over the p.a. system reminding customers not to leave things unattended.
Mama quipped matter-of-factly, "Nya gibilin diay nako ako butang?"
Ate Kit was the last one to know. Mama was showing her the retrieved wallet.
Later, Ate Kit was jokingly saying, "Hala Ma, nawala ako picture!"
But it apparently was there. Mama has our graduation picture copies in the wallet.
I chimed in laughing quite hard. "Ma, wala ako picture! Wala ako picture!"
And it honestly wasn't there anymore! We were laughing hard at the cafe.
And Mama said she placed it on display at home.
I should have kept that part of the story, huh? ;)
Money will just come. Yup, this is what I can remember repetitively telling Prinsesa a month ago for the Tao anniv.
Funny because, money did come in for it.
How it happened? I asked.
I went shyly behind Sir Mike while I was doing it, of course.
Money will just come. I don't know if that's the reason why I still have unpaid credit card debt.
But it honestly will.
Some pray very hard, but there goes the asking part.
And yes, there is the giving.
As I say finally go off to sleep tonight, I pray for the lives lost, and the families who have lost a lot.
And I thank God, my family is safe, and I am, as well.
God, help the Philippines.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Mailing Address: "Apartment"
Definitely not Manila.
Hence, we'll be looking into the 7,106 islands instead.
How does that sound?
My Lakbayan grade is C!
How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!
Created by Eugene Villar.That, or 7,000 something islands ;P
And yes, this seals the deal for the trips. Promise. I wonder how long it was since you guys drafted up some plans? And never got to pinky-swear on it ;P. So here goes.
- City tour shoot, and probably you can wow me to get something better than your big birdie high time ;P

- Yes, yes, yes, sunset at SanRem. And probably, I wouldn't be the only one who'd be raving about it after
- The meet-up you promised. Again, you promised, with emphasis. And that coffee, too ;D
- If Within Cebu: Alegre ; Osmena Peak ; Island Hopping ; Malapascua?
- If Outside Cebu: Okay not Siquijor ; Apo Island, Negros Oriental ; Bohol Bee Farm, Bohol ; Danao, Bohol ; Samar ?
- Later, but yeah, Krabi
Four of which are set, ayt?
If this isn't enough to prove this trip is set, I don't know what is.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
faMEALy day this monday
Surprisingly, we were home early.
I was home early.
And yes, few hours ago was Friday evening, Friday evening, AND
both Daddy and Mama were out.
Funny? Yeah, and you can call it a date ;D
Ate Kit half-shouted we have to be home early come Monday.
Unsa'y naa sa Monday?
Boob tube said: Lucky Me National faMEALy day. Kainang Pamilya Mahalaga.
Soooo.. Monday it is ;D
I declared I'll buy a cake and probably have something scribbled on it.
I told Kuya about it, too.
And Ate, if you're reading this, I'll have the web cam ready!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
happy, nots
I am a happy owner of a macbook.
I was actually quite giddy when I saw how white it was. Doh?
When I told Andy about it, all I could reply to his question what it is was it's 13" with Leopard OS.
"Dili ba, ang specs..."
And my answer was?
Still that it's a 13" with Leopard OS.
Am I that hopeless?
Anyway, I went down the cafe earlier with the intention of grabbing some pictures of Prinsesa. Most of the social networking sites are blocked at the office.
Further, this was with the intention of having some of them printed.
To paint a picture of how many things were in my mind earlier was squeezing an hour of activity in a fifteen minute break. Yes, I was a gymnast-wannabe trying to stretch everything and covering as much space.
And there, my problem was held before me in this white coated machine. One, I do not know where the document application was, pretty much looking for the equivalent of the word document in windows, and two, I do not know the right-click function equivalent to mac to save the pictures I was supposed to grab.
If my life depended on it, about this time, I would have already been six feet under ground.
Yes, I might be a little hopeless. The half-glass full in me is still debating with the half-glass empty.
Anyway anyway, I was desperate. I wanted those pictures.
So I saw my yahoo messenger, here goes! I was actually relieved!
To my amazement, for the lack of more apt term, I couldn't get it to work.
Click, click, click. Still wouldn't message!
I changed my status message to say Chari "Needs help!" hoping someone will ping me instead.
No response. (No, I don't need a shrink, thank you)
I changed it again to say Chari "Needs Andy's help!"
Still no response.
Should I have said, really badly?
Yes, I was that desperate. I called Chris.
Hello was the greeting, I suppose, and I answered right away,
I need your help.
Choppy line. The world apparently is looking down on me with a smug expression.
Ring, ring, call back.
Tito Chris, I need your help!
Moral of that story, it's ctrl + one click on the board.
I couldn't stop mentally laughing how dire I must have sounded after his "mao ra man diay", Or something like that.

About this time right now, Prinsesa is definitely in the airplane.
It felt weird-funny seeing her finally disappear at the corner. And before that, during our last hug, I said, this is it.
I still couldn't grab the finality of it, though.
It will settle, maybe not just now, but it will.
And I'd say I am a happy owner of a macbook.
But I am a not-so-happy-but-not-really-sad-or-whatever friend of a friend leaving.
And if you'll ask me what it is, I'll say with my eyes closed, it's 13" with a Leopard OS.
Friday, September 18, 2009
this is world peace.

I'm not the biggest fan of music. I doubt if fans would even call me a fan.
As much fuss there was to MTV Music Awards, I really didn't mind it until Ate told me to watch it.
And I say, this picture is far from being a pageant, one winning the title, while the other coming in second.
Beyonce obviously got that bootylicious heart.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
hello mousey, come to trappy

And I am happy today.
Yep, today was the day away.
Meet my mousey.
I requested for one about two days ago, and tadaa.
It suddenly felt like getting really giddy as I had when I got my pens and case at Powerbooks. ghad, cheap thrills.
My boss actually said we should trade,
And I actually said no. Mighty mousey ey?
I just can't help kid him how nice my new mouse is. Haha :)
(whispering) He has an old tattered-ish one.
You know when sometimes you simply want to poke your hand in your mouth
because you wake up with a headache and a wuzzy feeling after a (disgracing) two bottles of alcohol?
You know the feeling when you simply want to break down and cry it out
because you know you'd feel better afterwards?
You know when you're tired feeling sorry for yourself and just want to go somewhere
because you would want it to get you lost?
You know the feeling of wanting to run away, escape a bit,
because you would want to know who's there behind, running after you?
You know the feeling when you are feeling bad and want the world not to notice and not mind you, but actually do
because you simply want a hug? No words, no nothing, just that embrace?
Then come friend, I'll share you my Skittles.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
butterfly kisses
''Fathers don't want to admit it when their daughters are capable of running their own lives. It means we've become spectators.'' - Daddy of 10 Things I Hate About you
I was near tears when I heard this of the protective daddykins character of the movie I've always wanted to watch. Fine, shed some. Beats me why that earnest on that movie. Nevertheless I'm going to sleep tonight feeling rather happy about the two pictures I've found of him, in my stalking-chari-episode.

I love you, Dad :)
The right photo forever be classic, haa :D
manholes are round.
So why are they round? I found it quite simple, really.
Well, that was what I first thought.
My office mate was further playing with the round thing at the edge of my table, intended for those wires only that it's loose, and waiting for my answer. It almost felt like hey I know the answer to it and boo you, don't.
Hhhmm... so why are manholes round?
I get it that it does not go through with that shape, but the boo-you-don't part of that moment told me that there are about a few boo's I have yet to hear out. Am I dumb or am i dumb?
So anyway, I was actually amazed by the other two answers:
2. Where in the world can you find a square pipe? That's actually said with a duh.
3. It's actually easier to move it around, easy rolling. Imagine lifting that lid off with the stop light as your tick-tock, and you have a square lid. That spells exciting, ey?
Boo? Funny how we think answers are simple but find out there are about a lot of boo-you-don'ts in the equation. Then again, there are about millions more more trivial than manholes being round. Useless knowledge? Nah, wouldn't have been as amused to it. It's like Ate Kit asking me seconds ago "Char, mata pa ka or nimata na ka?"
Sunday, September 6, 2009
I want to be cool
Around this time yesterday I was singing my heart and lungs out as I am today... in the office.
Only this time, two of my teammates are no longer around forced to have me tell them that
I will be singing one song, and forced to listen to it.
Yes, I was shouting the lyrics out, as if it would kill me to have it any other way, most part
of it closing my eyes and wiggling my head, as if it were my concert. Ohdiba?
And yes, I'm alone here at the office, and have not started on my task...yet. On the contrary,
I have a soon to be emptied liter of orange juice I bought about an hour ago at the gas station.
Hence, I am alone, with orange juice in my stomach, singing. I wish I knew how to, though,
than just belting out, or better yet shouting some lines. Or probably play the guitar, or better
yet dance?
I was at Outpost last night, and I was actually mesmerized by two characters. Yes, I was in total
awe, enough for me to wish that my next life, I will really be a rock star.
There was this girl who played the piano. I actually knew her from UP, having strut down the cat
walk about a number of times, as I have stolen some pictures of her. I think she's really really
pretty. Not the prettiest, as there easily are other models who have fine faces. But I guess, she's
got this x factor that most scouts are probably in the look out for.
Very same reason that got me glued on her playing the piano. She was sporting a rather short hair,
this time, and she was in this simple purple shirt, blue pants and brown chucks. She was actually
silent, and except for some of the shots directed on her direction that she gave this seemingly shy
smile, it seems she was pretty much just there to do her thing.
Then next, there's my good friend, Cilee, along with her band, the last performers of the night. One,
I was very happy to finally see her perform, as I had actually missed the other performances she
had and simply relished on two of their tracks I have in my playlist, and two, I did not know she was
this person on stage. She used to be our barkada clown, along with Jany, whom we always kid
around with.
Last night, I was seated on the floor to watch her perform, sometimes singing some lines I knew
of, and was actually amazed of this girl with her fingers comfortably switching different keys of her
electric guitar, often times stepping on those sound equipment I do not of, singing their song as if
everyone was not around, and most part of it, with a disheveled hair in this really comfortable chucks.
And as I sat back at our spot (of which a number of people were jealous of), I was amazed, and as
Prinsesa pointed it out, also referring to after our dive, "Dugay lagi ka maka-get over noh?"
And I wish, I were that cool.
As I told Prinsesa and Journey, they were there as if they had their own world just doing their thing. They
were not out there to showoff they had a great voice, they were there simply because... they were there.
And now I understand why singers close their eyes.
Around this time yesterday I was singing my heart and lungs out as I am today in the office. Now, I'm
considering of getting some chucks, haha. And one last time before I publish this post, with a last
gulp of the orange juice, the office will bear with me sing.
Promise chairs, I will be off to work after this. :)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
hello, sunshine
"At the beach, life is different.
Time doesn't move hour to hour but mood to moment.
We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun."- Anonymous

"Are you feeling, feeling, feeling like I'm, feeling
Like I'm floating, floating, up above that big blue ocean
Sand beneath our feet, big blue sky above our heads,
No need to keep stressing from our everyday life on our minds
We have got to leave all that behind"
-At the beach, The Avett brothers
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
a chinese learning japanese
I must be crazy. I decided to take the JLPT exam level 4
(that's Japanese Language Proficiency Test) despite other
people uncertain about it. I actually surveyed from the rest
of my office mates, and all I got earlier was a no.
I approached sensei earlier, as well and asked him if he
thinks 3 months cramming for 300 kanji and 1500 words
would work for me.
His initial reaction was, "Sou desu ne." (He's thinking)
But he said he's happy that I was the first person in line,
and he'll help me out with it.
What was I thinking? It was an impulsive decision,
believing my id, ego or super ego, that it would be a challenge.
I consoled myself that writing the characters is not as hard,
as eleven years of writing in Chinese at least has its merit.
I was sitting at Jeshell's place to discuss of the system, when
sensei messaged her. I asked her to forward it to me, although
I initially wanted to just blog about the last line.
"Daijoobu I think you're the nearest person for passing JLPT.
And examinor is only you and chelito san for Level 4. That's
why I can support you with all my force. Trust me!"
Ouch. And he couldn't even spell my name right.
He has mistaken me for my male office mate. Yes, male.
And to think I'm wearing wedges today!
Watashi wa kanojo desu (I am a girl.) I wish I know how to
say, Yes, and I have boobs, too. But not really.
Seriously though, the message was like a pin-prick,
but then I again, I seriously need a lot of work, where it is
concerned. So I'll continue to be challenged, cross
my fingers tight and see if I'd make it come December.
So anyway, other people followed suit. iduunno why I was
laughing out loud when Peter messaged me:
First Message: ni submit na ka ug form? unsa gamiton? lapis? ballpen?
Second Message: hehe... gi unsa pagpapilit ang picture? stapler or paste
Haay,what was I thinking, right?
honesty is the best policy
I (actually) got dumbstruck when Gayle matter-of-factly announced
she didn't like my entries for the Invitation to Click...
because they were ordinary.
She actually was trying to do that on the previous post, but couldn't.
Thank God?
“Ha? Uhm.. Huh?” Yup, there goes my lame attempt to redeem myself.
But yup, that's Gayle.
No sugar coating as I would have had,
nor a teeny bit of hesitation as Edwin probably would.
Honest to goodness, blunt conviction.
But I re-acquaint myself with that honesty, as it is in the comfortable boundary of friendship.
Regardless if it weren't, I guess that would still be the case.
Yeah sure, Prinsesa and I go along our those petty squabbles of how irritated I am most of the time on how she constructs her sentences on sms,
or laugh how ugly her feet are, but that's just not the matter-of-factly dumb-striking one.
But then again, nor do I want it to be.
Gayle is Gayle.
That's why I miss her a lot of times.
But swear, her honesty still leaves me dumbstruck a lot of times.
Nevertheless, we go on talking about other things, oftentimes catching myself laughing quite loudly or me clapping my hands.
And yeah, I got one sale on that ordinary sunflower and bee post card. Awww?
And I love you, too Gayle! ;P

[images from kan-irag and siargao trips, earlier this year]
Note for the Sunflower and Bee Post Card:
Title: must BEE loving it
Description: Bee to the Sunflower: Hi Honey!
Now, please tell me you have sense of humor.
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