Chances of going with Kuya on his diving this Sunday
Afternoon of lone time at Starbucks with a coffee jelly in hand, and those long overdue Digital Photography Magazines loan (long overdue, as in last year)
UP with Rick
Bath and groom jayjay
Study for Nihonggo exam (Right now, I'm stuck with Anata noh ketai wa atarashi desu ka?)
Quality time with Prinsesa
One week leave
Trip to Manila for Marie's birthday
Meet up with Ga
Tents and Bantayan / Bicyles and San Juanico
Serious thinking time of future
Creating a set goal, where there's traveling involved, specifically to Canada
Surprise event
Participation of Invitation to Click for September 5, Outpost
[ my entries :D]
P35 per post card; Organized by Beyond Art's Sakes, and proceeds will go to the beneficiaries of Tsinelas Foundation.
I think what they're really doing is cool. Buy a Card and Pay it Forward!
I find Kris Aquino really interesting. Daddy either mimics her or curses her. I love her. Nabuang. That is the last thing Daddy uttered few minutes ago. This all happens while Mama sleeps, of course.
This is about how much time I spend at home, lately. I try to catch up as much as I can of course, as those television shows Daddy constantly glues in.
So I lounge here at the bay window, until Daddy gets up to his room, and if I don't get asleep here, I'd claim my usual spot.
I miss this. I miss doing a lot of things I haven't done lately. Maybe because I have had too much on plate, that or I was just as happy entertaining them.
Work was bursting my bubble. My only consolation was those short trips for some McDonald's Egg McMuffins and Pancakes, and Starbuck's Coffee Jelly.
Celebration of the twenty years. It was Sir Mike's dream for a grand celebration for the organization.
He dreamt of a Sunday wherein there'll be a family day
He relates a picture of games, tents, and kids at the gathering
He further relates that in this picture, there were would be a lot of the alumni joining in, and I can only feel that hopeful wish, with a battling reality that not all people equally feels passionate about it as he
Weekend feels like just yesterday... when we're constantly on the phone getting things done and inviting people, computing how much is the cash on hand, how to go about the tokens, et cetera. It was one smooth show. I was amazed, actually. Bumps? A few, but highly negligible.
And perhaps it was again one of those times when Sir Mike was just at the corner, observing how things would go. And I know he was happy. Well, I was, very much so. But remembering his tight hug after that entrep seminar, I felt it was like the very same hug I won't forget Kuya gave me when he learned I passed that La Salle college exam... at Sbarro! And yes, all factors out, I dedicate every laugh even just for that afternoon to our big man.
Trivia: 1. There are about five people, yes that's 5 people, in this group that I would without question give up my kidney for. Get the point. The others, I might be pondering on. Haa :D 2. I think that the most intelligent people I have encountered with in this world would, come from this group. 3. It's no bullcrap when I said before I'd like making a small difference. 4. I miss Gayle, like seriously. ;P 5. I logged in at Facebook earlier. I have never been that excited to log in to see Nimrod's pictures! I felt I was crazy laughing at Yvonne's comments most especially. 6. Wikipedia spells out that the group offers sexual privileges. Up till now, Prinsesa wishes it true. Haha :D 7. It was a first time I realized and pondered, while seated in that red cute Jimney car, that yes, they're right. I have an abnormalunusually close-knit family, as Prinsesa stated out. And Chris Tio, agrees that he was surprised that I even entered the group.
And I speak of two families, my two families. And where I am right now, I wouldn't trade with anything in this world. Especially when you wake up in the morning with a little girl saying “good morning, tita chari”, or Kuya at the other side of the screen door holding it to keep us apart, and insisting on giving his flying kisses – only because I was just from restroom and insisted on a peck on his cheek.
Life is good. But I'm not complaining, at all. As for Kris, I'll let Daddy do his own.
I enjoyed nihonngo classes. Other than being fascinated by our sensei who dresses up as I imagine Japanese would, cool tie and all, I love how cool learning another language is.
Sensei: Chari-san wa, donna hito desu ka? Chari: Watashi wa atsui desu! Cha: Atsui niwatori ko desu!
...that's what Daddy calls the songs I have repetitively been listening to the whole night.
I wish I can tell Daddy "If it's too loud, you're too old", but Mama has beaten me at it by saying, "Ilaha man sad ng generation, Daddy". Heee, funny :D
Up till now, I'm stuck with Cattski's performances of Hero (of their latest album) and Mental Picture of You(written by demi-god songwriter, Jude Gitamondoc).
Gotta thank the busy boy for teaching me how to play Hero ;D. Now, if I can only get to strum it slower, play it better, and sing along while at it, I'll pretend I'm already in my next life, and think myself as a pretty rockstar. Then, I'll only wish for those frikin dimples, and dancing prowess :))
And oh yeah, be a kick-ass artist, altogether. Take for example like Berto-san who did this. Now we can share same wallpapers, I got it here ;D.
Now, if I can only get my headphones fixed, or get a new one, I can pretend I have my room back to myself, and leave Daddy my singing as a noise. Haa :D
I'm no better than most of the students. I get rather elated when holidays are up. No classes for them, no work me. But I got to say, I teared up when Kris went crying on national tv, and goosebumps on those yellow confetti drop.
Regardless if I felt that tinge knowing that the country has lost a great leader, holidays will always be holidays, and I just can't help entertaining the idea what if, just what if. But, until that happens, I've got the present to unravel the ribbons.
Anyway, I've always been a happy blogger. And generally? I'm a happy person, a very happy person. I also love to smile, constantly if you meet me often, that is. And as I wake up each day to a little girl poking my eyes, I have all the reasons to smile and be grateful. Otherwise, I go to the comfort room, and wash my face.
Anyway, I was in the cab with a coffee jelly in hand earlier, on the way home. I thought of, one, how happy really the feeling was of that almost-feeling-like-a-Friday day, and two, that people just want to hear what they want to hear.
I've just thought of that after giving someone a skype bear hug, and giving that reassurance that things will be better in the future, somehow. It didn't matter if I was younger than she is. Nor did it matter to the rest of those I have had such intimate talks with that I was not really the best person to know of the subject - be it on love life, or the lack thereof, or quarter life crisis, or depression, or whatever.
But my reply has pretty much been standard, that things will be okay somehow, unless they decide them to be so. This is almost like a default I have even conditioned myself.
I am no wise person. Regardless if those that I spell out in our conversation seem rather smart, or just the right nudge to get them thinking, again, people just want to hear what they want to hear.
It's either like simplifying for a friend what she's really concerned of, if she's looking for something, or wanting for something to happen, or spelling out for another what would be a likely option if I were in his place. More often than not, they listen.
Okay, I kinda give out seemingly smart responses. But really, complications easily mean just tangled simplification. As I knock on my friend's shell, we both came into an agreement that I know we both know what she has to do, only that she is too stubborn and closed to the idea of acknowledging it. It takes just those simple questions clothed as seemingly-wise-but-not-really-questioning to spell it out to them.
I am not the happiest of all persons. But as I hear a lot of people bitch, for the lack of better phrased and apt term, about life, and even myself, I am reminded of two things: action and contentment. It doesn't matter really how both are weighed out, or which goes first, but I'm pretty sure that such equation would equal happiness.
Anyway, it simply gotta be the holidays. Because it feels like Friday, that's why.
When I read novels, I have this inclination of picking out words that I come upon, which are either new to me or those that interest me. What I usually do when this happens is I fold the corner of that page, making that supposedly small marker, only that I altogether forget about them and just getting that page a dent. Usually when I remember them or after seeing well, that dent, I have to re-read the entire page, and try picking out what I wanted to pick out again. Kapeesh.
Aside from Daddy's newspaper I see lying around the house, or those magazines Mama collects (that I love browsing over to look at the images), as well as the emails that greet every morning, I have not really been able to read read.
And the few times I am able to view a movie, even those .avi's my office mates send me, I am more than glad.
There's this one movie that I specifically likehave fallen in love with. And ghad, you'll know when I extremely like it, other than me replaying on the faved parts, or not deleting the avi at all. I tell my friends about! Talk about recommendation - with much persistence at that, of course.
And before I doze off to sleep, this Dokata Skye has a dented mark on the latter part of the film, well, the one with most dent, rather.
"this is the decision i must come to myself, i just can't write this out and accept the default answer."
"predictable does always mean boring lust doesn't always mean love near doesn't always mean close new doesn't always mean exciting different doesn't always mean better far doesn't always mean distant knowing everything doesn't make you wise knowing the truth doesn't make you superior truth doesn't make you superior knowing your problem does not solve it sitting between your past and future, doesn't mean you're in the present."
The duet on the latter part of the lead actors really something as well! Enough to make me want to be a pretty rockstar in my next lifetime ;P And you should have counted how many times I replayed that movie scene to get the lines right. Yep, persistence! Anyway, have I told I tell you the movie's really nice? You should watch it.
I feel like dancing in the rain! Too bad it's 4:11 in the morning. I know, I know, I should sleep.
But there's plenty of time for that later, after all, it's Sunday, Then again, if mother nature would keep up with this, it would most likely be Rainday.
Not that I mind. I love the rain! Drizzles, raindrops, and more drizzles. Coolness of the air would most likely find me staying where I am even after everyone will give up getting me up. Now...
Rain, rain, won't you stay, In bed, little Chari wants to lay.
Warm hug!
P.S. this is Potpot, I named him after Potski, because Potski was looking for some water earlier after their apartment's line was cut off of some. God is really good, ey? Now before I forget of Potpot, that's what I call human blanket ;D
P.S.2 nope not the game. har chari, haha. Anyway, that's me and cute niece, Ciel, dancing. Aren't kids just adorable?! Now, let me concentrate that sleep.