and generally, that means Friday night, and Saturday. Because, Sunday is like expecting Monday to come, and Monday is not really something people look forward to. And I wonder why that is again. Haay, was that fast talk? Operation BDO for me (must find ways).
Nevertheless, I keep my self-motivation meter pumped up to keep me going, smiling while at it, of course. And before I own the night, I'm thinking of scribbling some notes before I the long week ahead.
Nevertheless, I keep my self-motivation meter pumped up to keep me going, smiling while at it, of course. And before I own the night, I'm thinking of scribbling some notes before I the long week ahead.
- Note to self: Clients are always right. If they are not, just don't argue. If that's hard enough, a meeting with your boss in it might be the solution. (Ghad, I hope.)
- Yakinuku yum!
- Listening to gun shots is as scary as creating that bang. Flinching will not help, but getting your instructors' well, instructions right will be. Who gets to try shooting M16's and 45's everyday right? But I swear, I killed just those white papers and iron plates :)
- "Boys will be boys. And men? ...will boys." - Dr. Dan talking of our other company at the range who were surgeons, hotel directors and journalists by week, and just that by weekend.
- Shooters are one happy and funny bunch. Just be a good girl and do what they say. Hehe.
- Karlon is one interesting guy to talk to. It's not so often I get to ponder on what to generally to think, aside from getting mind-boggled by clients.
- A definition of what is love, a question if it were a feeling or a decision: "Love is a feeling, sometimes fleeting, but staying with that someone, relationship is the decision."
- Surprises are always nice. Giving them gives me the giggles, minus the wetting of the pants.
- Seeing a yaya literally shoving and forcing the food on what seems to be a 2 year old defenseless kid fumes me up. Seeing the parents letting that yaya, blows me up. Now, woossa. If they think that's feeding, I'd gladly shove and force the food, and feed them myself. Anyway, I'm glad there's someone whom I can exchange places with, and have my back on them.
- Sleep is scarce. Getting plenty of it gives you the headache.
- Something to look forward to this week: sweldo day, fetching my camera, meeting up with Gayle, Badu, my high school friend's baby shower, and more webcam moments with my new lappy I bought from Ate Kit - who got a new lappy herself, sheesh.
Now, see me making silly faces.

This is me following Andy's expression. He's officially my new lappy's first webcam uhm, baby. Hehe. I doubt if he knows I was following him, nor printscreen-ing this one. :)

Meet Ate Kit, during our video conference with Ate. We went to the office for this one to not wake Mama, and the rest, sleeping.

Now, time for the night cap.
Good night, self. And you, sweet dreams :)
1 commentaries:
dear gayle,
i hope you get well. mananghid na ta next time para dili kasab-an daddy.
dear edwin,
nagchur ko oi :)
i miss you both. i miss us. till the next big trip! :)
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