Monday, January 18, 2010

guess who...

...'s at starbucks drinking coffee jelly?

...has just gotten his eleventh sticker? his planner a couple of minutes ago!

these are just about two of the n number of guess who's that i can remember of, while the last, an sms i received just a minute ago.
i'd say playing guess who's have never been such a happy thing.

if ten weeks ago, you'll tell me that i'll meet a total stranger, as in a toootal stranger, and race for completing stickers to claim god-knows-what-goes-on-people's-heads-and-value-such-overpriced planner, go publicly smug over each seemingly-priceless-but-yep- those-overpriced stickers on facebook, and will be enjoying each other's company, talk about anything and everything over cups of fraps and whatever-you-call-those coffees...except for music...and techie stuff ;D, be each other's student when it comes to learning law and nihonggo, admire each other's (ehem) intelligence, share the same interests, envy at each other's bests, get a lot of homework undone because of too much talking, i won't even believe you.

ten weeks ago, i would not have even imagined that foundations of friendship can take root from a simple hello after being introduced the day earlier, and continue on over starbucks meet-ups.

yep, ten weeks ago i would have laughed at your face. who are you kidding?

yep, ten weeks ago, and not a day later.
while people call it fate, and others call it serendipity, i'd call it happenstance. a happy happenstance.

i'd say cheers to friendships, those that you know will be for keeps.
now, there are things that money can't buy. except for those starbucks coffee jellies ;D (swipe it!)

jai-san, i know you'll neveeerrr learn your lesson, but race you to the next sticker album, haha.

4 commentaries:

gayleopsima said...


gayleopsima said...

hala.. naka comment nako! hahha! congrats!

gayleopsima said...

akong complete comment kay "omigahdddd!!! am i missing anything?!?!?"

charitan said...

i'd say you're missing SOMEONE.
me. haha :)

it's funny your reaction bah, given... :P

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