I can only wish to be a barista, but no.
I had to escape the office, because if had not, I wouldn't have been productive as I was.
And get this, I was not as productive as I hoped, and I was pretty much calculating that productivity rate, or better yet un-productivity on the what would have been.

So Sir Loge, I was not lying when I said I'd go out of the office earlier to "work". I circumstance-ially missed out the part of "going home".
And Daddy, I did not lie when I texted you earlier that I will be working overtime. I semi circumstance-ially missed out the part though that it be at Starbucks, hehe.
I sit alone in the corner... where there's an outlet, I paid no heed to people who have literally come and gone. And... I paid no heed whether my singing was part of that equation. Yes, I was singing. Can I evil chuckle on that? Haaa :D
So here are some tips I'd like to share with you if your "office", which should have been THE venue for you to work, feels like a roomful of people who can physically and virtually poke you to ask of something and everything, which will make you want to cry.... STARBUCKS!
So here goes:
1. Reason out with your boss. Make him understand that you have already delivered the items that he asked you. Although there is one thing that you were not able to do, tell him he has also one thing that he was not able to do! You have to smile while doing this, of course.
2. When you're at Starbucks, order Sausage and Onion Quiche. This will keep you running when you consume 7 hours of Starbuck's electricity.
3. Order Coffee Jelly. No reasons attached to this.
4. Bring with you headphone. You will likely end up eavesdropping on other people, if not forced to eavesdrop on their woes about the world, if you don't.
5. Get something singing in that headphone, otherwise your attempt on number 4 will be uhm, stupid? You can occasionally swing your head up and down to drown any people's doubts if you're just being uhm, stupid.
6. Sing Cattski's songs. :) You have to be sitting at the corner for this. As you'll pay no heed to people who'll be coming and going, just hope they will equally be paying no heed to you.
So I'd say working at Starbucks is not so bad, at all.
My special thanks goes to Grace H. Bautista. What medium productivity I have had, would have been nipped off to small productivity without the help on that screen layout.
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